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Should Video Game Passion Be Shared on College Applications? — College Confidential

Find out whether to mention video games on college applications at the College Confidential blog. Read the rest of the blog to learn more about extracurriculars! We are talking about his college essay and he wants to write it about video games, and then for his activities list, he wants to list winning a video game tournament. Will it be a problem for him to highlight video games so prominently in his college application?I should add that he is not majoring in anything having to do with video games — he wants to major in education. With excellent grades (although you didn't mention the rigor of the classes) and potentially high test scores, your son will certainly have college options. However, as you probably already know, the vast major of institutions — even large public universities — practice "holistic admissions." This means that admission officials will look beyond the GPA and test results to see what else the applicant has accomplished.Articles / Applying to College / Should Video Game Passion Be Shared on College Applications?In fact, this "activity" could even be tied to his interest in video games ... as long as it's not more video games (e.g., he could read about a certain historical period that is featured in his games or teach himself graphic design/coding). Then, when it's time to write a college essay, he could amuse admission committees with a topic along the lines of "Coming Up from the Cave," which begins with his passion for gaming but then explains how it led him to new pursuits.


Gaming the College Admissions Process | Edutopia

There are four games in the series: FutureBound, Application Crunch, Mission: Admission, and Graduate Strike Force. The idea stemmed from a perceived lack of college counselling, especially in underserved areas. The team was interested in a solution that students could find engaging and that ... Getting into college is game-like. The path to higher education is an arc of challenges, obstacles, and consequences. To "win," students need to market themselves as attractive applicants. Being active in extracurricular activities and community service as well as attaining high grades and solid entrance exam scores can accomplish this.Run this systems thinking simulation to see how college loans are repaid. As this past school year drew to a close, I wondered what game-based learning applications were available to making the path less scary, because choosing the correct path while still in high school is daunting!There are four games in the series: FutureBound, Application Crunch, Mission: Admission, and Graduate Strike Force. The idea stemmed from a perceived lack of college counselling, especially in underserved areas. The team was interested in a solution that students could find engaging and that would speak their own language.Free and low-cost games relating to college admission open up opportunities to low-income and first-generation applicants. This was also the purpose of last year's College Knowledge Challenge. Games like FutureBound and Play2Prep can help level the playing field around the high cost of test prep.


The Best Edutainment Video Games

Whether you're an adult or a child, these games have something to teach you! Racing games are fast-paced, loaded with fun, and perfect for kids! ... While a good number of the best edutainment games were released in either the 1990s or early 2000s, certain platforms like Steam and the internet as a whole have done a good job of preserving most of them.While still being point-and-click adventures, the Spy Fox games are intended for a slightly older audience than the other Humongous Entertainment products. As such, they feature more complex puzzles and mini-games when compared to the other games by the company. ... Whether she's somewhere in the world, or running through time, Carmen Sandiego remains a well-known figure in the edutainment industry.Life is all about learning new things, and edutainment games have been around for a while now, teaching varying subjects to children and adults alike.The 1990s were filled to the brim with plenty of point-and-click adventures for kids to explore through and the Putt-Putt series was one of them. The games have you take control of the titular character, Putt-Putt, a pinkish-purplish car, and go on adventures through town, a zoo, and a racetrack to name a few.

List of educational video games - Wikipedia

This is a list of notable educational video games. There is some overlap between educational games and interactive CD-ROMs and other programs (based on player agency), and between educational games and related genres like simulations and interactive storybooks (based on how much gameplay is ... There is some overlap between educational games and interactive CD-ROMs and other programs (based on player agency), and between educational games and related genres like simulations and interactive storybooks (based on how much gameplay is devoted to education).This list aims to list games which have been marketed as educational.Often, educational video game properties become part of larger franchises, for example Carmen Sandiego, Oregon Trail, and Math Blaster.


20 Fun Games for Classrooms (Plus Benefits and Examples) |

Learn about 20 fun classroom games that can help students improve their skills in communication, problem-solving, studying, teamwork and more. Many classroom games can be adapted to suit your curriculum and the grade level of your students so you can introduce an activity that's right for your classroom.In this article, we discuss classroom games and their benefits and take a look at 20 classroom games for your to consider for your class.During this game, students can practice concentration skills and learn important number sets. You pick one number and replace it with a sound or word like "zing" or "buzz."Then, students read the numbers out loud and use the replacement instead of the selected number.Classroom games aren’t only a fun addition to lesson plans but they can also help teachers form better relationships with their students while helping them improve necessary skills.Classroom games are a great way to create well-rounded lesson plans.

Educational video game - Wikipedia

An educational video game is a video game that provides learning or training value to the player. Edutainment describes an intentional merger of video games and educational software into a single product (and could therefore also comprise more serious titles sometimes described under children's ... An educational video game is a video game that provides learning or training value to the player. Edutainment describes an intentional merger of video games and educational software into a single product (and could therefore also comprise more serious titles sometimes described under children's learning software).Educational video games can be categorized into two classes: Edutainment games are those designed around drilling subject matter to the user in a linear manner, while wrapping the game with entertainment aspects.Educational video games are aimed to encourage creative thinking and problem solving, and encourage greater interactivity from the user, often presented in non-linear experiences. Most educational and edutainment games are purposely developed for use within the classroom or at home to teach students.Computer game developers looked to take advantage of the situation by creating education games for home computer systems which would not only satisfy children's entertainment but would please parents and educators. In September 1983 the Boston Phoenix reported that "edutainment" games were a new focus area for companies after end of growth of the Atari 2600 software market.In 1983, the term "edutainment" was used to describe a package of software games for the Oric 1 and Spectrum Microcomputers in the UK. Dubbed "arcade edutainment" an advertisement for the package can be found in various issues of "Your Computer" magazine from 1983.


16 Best Edutainment Games for 2023 | Edsys

Educational games are a part of “edutainment,” the blend of education and entertainment that help you to grasp concepts while having fun. Find the best 15 edutainment games here. Education and entertainment seem like two different aspects when you look at traditional methods. However, modern-age kids don’t learn like that. They love enjoying the process of learning. Thanks to a variety of applications, edutainment games are available now for kids.In simple words, online educational games will continue to exist in the future of education, in more advanced versions. So does edutainment, which is expected to have a market value of approximately $8.1 Billion by 2032, at a compound annual growth rate of 16%.Edutainment literally means education through entertainment. It can be video games, television programmes, or any other means that combine learning and having fun.The average attention span of students last from few minutes to few hours based on age. You might have seen or experienced how the attention of students tends to shift during lectures and many end up finding classes to be “too boring.” That is where edutainment lives up to its name.


Groupes de niveau au collège : le conseil d'Etat demande un nouveau texte, le ministère de l'Education nationale promet un décret en décembre

Ces groupes de niveau, voulus par l'ex-ministre de l'Education Gabriel Attal, ont été mis en place à la rentrée de septembre. Quel avenir pour les groupes de niveau au collège ? La poursuite à la rentrée 2025 de cette mesure controversée, appelée aussi groupes de besoins, "nécessitera un décret du Premier ministre", a jugé jeudi 28 novembre le Conseil d'Etat.La plus haute juridiction administrative ne juge pas ce dispositif contraire aux programmes dispensés au collège, mais elle estime que c'est au Premier ministre, non au ministère de l'Education, de fixer l'organisation de l'enseignement dans les collèges, et que cette réforme devra donc faire l'objet d'un décret de Matignon.Afin "de ne pas bouleverser l'organisation des collèges en cours d'année scolaire, le Conseil d'Etat reporte dans le temps les effets de cette annulation : la décision rendue ne prendra effet qu'à la rentrée prochaine et la mise en œuvre des 'groupes de besoins' dans les collèges reste en vigueur pour l'année scolaire 2024-2025", détaille le Conseil d'Etat dans un communiqué.Des élèves dans un collège à Saumur (Maine-et-Loire), le 2 septembre 2024.


The New York Times - Breaking News, US News, World News and Videos

Live news, investigations, opinion, photos and video by the journalists of The New York Times from more than 150 countries around the world. Subscribe for coverage of U.S. and international news, politics, business, technology, science, health, arts, sports and more.


Sport au collège: la réponse de la ministre de l’Éducation nationale aux critiques de Léon Marchand

Le quadruple champion olympique Léon Marchand a dénoncé la volte-face du gouvernement après l'abandon de la généralisation des deux heures hebdomadaires de sport supplémentaires au collège. La ministre de l’Éducation nationale Anne Genetet lui a répondu. Sera-t-il convaincu par ses explications ? Après avoir dénoncé la volte-face du gouvernement concernant l'abandon de la généralisation des deux heures hebdomadaires de sport supplémentaires au collège, Léon Marchand a eu droit à une réponse d’Anne Genetet.Il s'agissait de "30 minutes d'activité physique quotidienne" du CP au CM2, généralisées en 2022, et de "deux heures de sport supplémentaires pour les collégiens" expérimentées depuis plus de deux ans et élargies à 700 collèges l'année scolaire dernière avec pour vocation d'être généralisée dans les trois ans à venir.Mais la généralisation du dispositif destiné aux collégiens a été abandonnée par l'Éducation nationale, le ministère expliquant qu'elle n'était "pas soutenable" dans une circulaire publiée la semaine dernière au Bulletin officiel de l'Éducation nationale.Ce dispositif, qui "a démontré la pertinence de la mesure pour les collégiens éloignés d'une pratique régulière", est toutefois "perçu encore comme complexe à mettre en œuvre" et sera "recentré sur les seuls établissements en éducation prioritaire", a précisé le ministère.

50 Great Sites for Serious, Educational Games

Take a look at these 50 sites for serious and educational games you can play.These educational games can enhance your learning or help you teach others. Serious games are making the news almost every day. From teaching children about the cancer in their bodies to helping college students reinforce lessons from their business classes, these educational games take playing to a whole new level. Take a look at these 50 sites for serious and educational games you can play.This popular business simulation game helps you learn and polish business skills. Whether you are a practiced business professional, an entrepreneur getting your feet wet, or in online colleges for business administration, this game will help you practice strategies and learn to succeed without a high risk of failure.This math game has middle school students finding lost pets by solving puzzles. Teachers can take advantage of the professional development section of the website to use the game in class. Students lured by the appeal of this game’s visual architecture might also be interested in online colleges for game design.The first in a series of games being developed by Justice Sandra Day O’Connor teaching students about civics through real court cases they get to choose, investigate, and argue, Supreme Decision lets players learn about student rights, possibly even leading to interest in a higher education at online colleges for law.


U.S. Edutainment Games of the ‘90s that Shaped My Childhood: A Retrospective | Adventure Gamers

An amusing blast from the past that revisits the long-lasting influence of educational games. | But when I think back further, it's not quite true that this was my first exposure to video games. The nineties and early noughties saw the increased affordability and mainstream adoption of personal computers in both homes and – for the first time – schools. This led to an edutainment (or educational video games) boom, and my UK primary school was no exception; it was correspondingly equipped with a suite of beautiful, beige RM Window Box PCs, as was the style at the time.Long before my family inherited our first computer and I mastered the art of spamming item combinations to solve adventure game puzzles, therefore, I was inducted into the gaming world via good, clean, age-appropriate edutainment. Though the best kind were the ones where you didn't even realize you were learning; it didn't seem to matter what form they took.What I didn't know is that there are 625 unique Zoombini combinations (1,250 if you count both genders), and to 'properly' complete the game, you must save all of them. As you can only take 16 Zoombinis on each journey (completing a path of nine out of a total of 12 puzzles, which are divided into four sections of three puzzles), according to my edutainment-enhanced math skills, the 'true ending' requires playing through the game a minimum of 40 times.» Home / Articles / Features / U.S. Edutainment Games of the ‘90s that Shaped My Childhood: A Retrospective


Top 10 Top 10 Educational Games for Kids (and Adults!) (and Adults!) – Scholar Within

The best educational games for kids are sometimes the games that don’t even seem like they are educational. The games are fun and engaging. The best educational games for kids are sometimes the games that don’t even seem like they are educational. The games are fun and engaging. Each player can make substantial choices throughout the game.The gameplay makes you think.Kids and even adults become more engaged in games that have greater levels of choice than those that don’t. The holidays are a perfect time to take out board games that won’t make you bored, but engaged!We have put together a list of our top 10 educational games for kids that we love and think your family will too!

r/ApplyingToCollege on Reddit: I made a college applications simulator/parody game!

420 votes, 114 comments. It's called 31 Days to HYPSMC: I'd appreciate any feedback/criticism/bugs you find. THANKS Posted by u/a2cthrowawy - 420 votes and 114 commentsSo choose Everyprivate College. ... I got 1600 SAT, 3.8 GPA, perfect attendance, and spent an entire weekend on my essay but I still only got into Yale because I forgot to do any extracurriculars. ... 3.79, 1600, interviews all average, 20 hours on essays, crappy club attendence, 1 day missed. Rejected from all lol ... Exact same profile! I got rejected from everywhere :(. ... 3.81/1540, 50 hours on essays, president of Academic games, average interviews from all, accepted everywhere except Caltech lmaooor/ApplyingToCollege is the premier forum for college admissions questions, advice, and discussions, from college essays and scholarships to college list help and application advice, career guidance, and more. A2C supports a welcoming and inclusive environment.Neat game, my kids are gonna love this!


Saturday NFL games top College Football Playoff viewership - ESPN

College football's 12-team playoff rollout was spoiled by the NFL, with the Texans-Chiefs getting 15.5 million viewers while the SMU-Penn State game averaged 6.4 million. The Steelers-Ravens game drew 15.4 million viewers to Clemson-Texas' 8.6 million. Heather Dinich reacts to the lopsided losses in the first round of the new College Football Playoff system. (1:19) ... A pair of Saturday NFL games drew a larger viewing audience than college football for the rollout of the sport's 12-team playoff.The playoff game between SMU and Penn State averaged 6.4 million viewers on TNT networks, compared with the Texans-Chiefs game on NBC, which averaged 15.5 million viewers. Later, Clemson-Texas drew 8.6 million viewers on TNT, compared with 15.4 million for Steelers-Ravens on Fox. ESPN, ABC and others aired the other two college games: Indiana-Notre Dame (13.4 million) on Friday night and Tennessee-Ohio State (14.3 million) on Saturday night.There were no competing NFL games. The overall average of 10.6 million viewers was higher than all but four college games this season.

Serious Games and Edutainment Applications: Volume II | SpringerLink

Thissecond volume of Serious Games and Edutainment Applications offers further insights for researchers, designers and educators who are interested in using serious games for training and educational purposes, and gives game developers with detailed information on current topics and developments ... Thissecond volume of Serious Games and Edutainment Applications offers further insights for researchers, designers and educators who are interested in using serious games for training and educational purposes, and gives game developers with detailed information on current topics and developments within this growing area.Book Title: Serious Games and Edutainment ApplicationsOffers many case studies and detailed examples for bespoke serious games and adapting commercial off-the shelf games for education and training purposes · Help’s readers to understand gamification and how to make it successful within education ... This is a preview of subscription content, log in via an institution to check access. ... With the continued application of gaming for training and education, which has seen exponential growth over the past two decades, this book offers an insightful introduction to the current developments and applications of game technologies within educational settings, with cutting-edge academic research and industry insights, providing a greater understanding into current and future developments and advances within this field.Following on from the success of the first volume in 2011, researchers from around the world presents up-to-date research on a broad range of new and emerging topics such as serious games and emotion, games for music education and games for medical training, to gamification, bespoke serious games, and adaptation of commercial off-the shelf games for education and narrative design, giving readers a thorough understanding of the advances and current issues facing developers and designers regarding games for training and education.


Pas d'heures de sport supplémentaires au collège : "On n'est plus dans l'éducation, on est dans la santé", plaide Mélina Robert-Michon

La généralisation de la hausse du nombre d'heures de sport au collège ne concernera que les établissements REP/REP+. Ce qui déplaît à certains sportifs de haut niveau, comme la porte-drapeau de l’équipe de France aux JO de Paris. Emmanuel Macron souhaitait deux heures de sport en plus pour les collégiens. Mais le gouvernement met fin à cette expérimentation lancée en 2022 dans plus de 160 établissements. Quelque 10% des 7 000 collèges de France l'auront testée. Une mesure pertinente, selon l'exécutif, mais trop complexe à généraliser.L’augmentation du nombre d'heures de sport ne concernera donc désormais que les collèges classés en REP/REP+. "Forcément, c'est mieux que rien, reconnaît Mélina Robert-Michon. Après, j'ai surtout envie que tout le monde puisse aussi en profiter. Ce n'est même pas du sport, c'est juste bouger.Elle ne concernera que les collèges classés en éducation prioritaire, REP/REP+.

How playing one game can help students get into college | Polygon

Next week, the U.S. Federal Student Aid program (FAFSA) will launch a new Oct. 1 start date and form schedule for students seeking financial help getting into college. In previous years, the FAFSA... Now I'm getting into discussions with my friends about college. It's just so much more refreshing because they understand the stress and the struggle now [they've played the game]." "The college application process, especially for first-generation students, is very scary and complex," says Dr.What the game does is provide a way to create that kind of dialogue." According to a promotional video (below) released by the Pullias Center, students are being disadvantaged by a lack of school councillors, who have traditionally been on hand to help with college applications.We're showing the kids that they can afford college. Just apply." If the study shows a link between kids playing the game and making successful applications to college, the use of this game will be expanded to new platforms like mobile and to other states, adds Corwin.Played in realtime over the course of a week, Mission: Admission shows students how to meet scholarship deadlines, apply for aid, work on personal statements, request letters of recommendation and take extra curricular activities as well as apply to and enroll in the appropriate college. The current game has been available in California since 2014, and was previously available as both a card game and a Facebook game.


Edutainment Games Of My Childhood | Brain Baking

Luk Weyens over at Pensive Ibex (RSS feed here) wrote a great piece on educational games from his … Here’s my take on the educational-focused subgenre that will be heavily biased towards DOS games, sorted by publication year. I tried my best to remember any Game Boy or Mega Drive-related edutainment-like games but I guess Tetris and Columns doesn’t count.Muppets Inside is possibly The greatest Muppet game ever created. I mean, it’s got a DOOM clone where you as the Swedish Chef walk around all duu-diee-duuh completely murdering tomatoes into ketchup bottles with a whisker instead of a double-barrel shotgun and chopping off carrot heads to transform them into carrot cakes (from 1:50:00). What more could you possibly want? (Probably 1996’s Duke Nukem 3D, but still.) So why is this an edutainment game?1995’s Microsoft BOB (game included!) and later Encarta that, if you’re bored, could be described as edutainment?The game is actually a collection of seven mini-games related to scenes of the movie: dusting off snowy but matching roses in the garden, guiding an egg between pots and pans without breaking it, sorting books in the library by symbol, changing colours of kitchen towels, and so forth.

50 Educational Video Games That Homeschoolers Love

Sesame Street: Once Upon a Monster: Geared toward younger learners, this video game brings Sesame Street favorites like Elmo and Cookie Monster together to read kids stories and get them engaged and moving through a series of fun and physical games. Brain Age: Parents and kids alike will love using this application to train their brains and become a mental athlete. From math to logic to word problems, there are numerous challenges that will help learners in every aspect of their education. A series of games and tests will help students build the knowledge they need to ace the test, and it just might even be fun to do. futureU: Homeschooled kids getting ready to head to college?Find college advice for online students, including tips for picking a school, saving money, and studying hard. View Advice Guide · Top Online School Rankings - View School Rankings ... Video games often get a bad rap. Some of that criticism may be deserved (many don't exactly encourage kids to get active), but video games aren't all bad.In fact, there are a number that are pretty darn educational and can help students young and old learn new things, develop problem-solving skills, and get creative, all while having a really great time. Many schools have already gotten on board with educational video games and homeschoolers can do the same.Sesame Street: Once Upon a Monster: Geared toward younger learners, this video game brings Sesame Street favorites like Elmo and Cookie Monster together to read kids stories and get them engaged and moving through a series of fun and physical games.
